Aluminium vs PVC windows comparison

There are three types of residential double glazed and triple glazed windows that are predominant in the UK, timber, uPVC and aluminium. On newer properties the windows tend to be uPVC or aluminium and most retrofitted windows tend to fall into one of these two categories. Timber windows are still used but this is mostly on older properties, that are listed or with in conservation areas there are several conservation areas in Thetford and in the other villages and towns surrounding us. Aluminium and uPVC both have several benefits over timber windows, including but not limited to, cost, low maintenance and availability. Over the course of this post we are going to look at the differences between uPVC and aluminium windows as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each and their best uses to help homeowners choose the right type of window for their property.


uPVC Windows


uPVC or PVCu double glazed windows rose to popularity in the UK during the late 1970’s, early 1980’s. Since then they have evolved and improved with new advances in technology and today uPVC is one of if not the most popular window materials both for new build projects and replacement windows.


uPVC double and triple glazed windows harbour many benefits over other window materials most notably there is less upkeep needed on a uPVC frame when compared to a timber window, for example there is no need to repaint, stain or treat plastic windows.
uPVC windows also perform very well thermally especially when fitted with triple glazed units, our standard uPVC eco energy system is specifically designed to be as thermally efficient as possible with a unique 6 chamber system that is 100% lead free, this prevents a cold bridge (an insulation weak spot)
When directly compared to aluminium windows uPVC tends to be considerably cheaper and the price is less likely to fluctuate with the global price of raw materials in the same way.


One drawback of uPVC is that the frames need to be larger than Aluminium which in some contemporary properties may look out of place or unsightly.

Best Used

Because of their versatility and the multitude of styles and finishes available, uPVC windows lend themselves well to almost all properties and are a great all-round choice for new build projects and replacement windows alike.


Aluminium Windows

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Aluminium is incredibly strong and as a result aluminium windows can have slimmer frames and larger expanses of glass than uPVC windows. It is also extremely durable, once the colour has been applied via powder coating it will last decades before there is even a slim chance of rust or corrosion.
Finally when compared to uPVC window frames aluminium windows have a much better environmental impact.


Aluminium however can’t compete with uPVC when it comes to thermal efficiency and when you compare the two materials directly uPVC is a far better insulator.

Best Used

Because of their sleek modern appearance aluminium windows are best suited to modern properties where you may want to achieve striking architectural lines and have been a growing feature of both commercial and new build properties in recent years

To conclude, it would be wise to point out that both materials have their own unique set of merits as well as drawbacks. After all said and done I think it boils down to personal taste and the property in question, that’s why our design consultants work closely with our customers talking them through the different options available using their decades of experience to advise on the most suitable option.

If you would like to book an appointment with one of our design team or to further discuss the merits of both aluminium and uPVC  follow this link: