Our products and the environment.



There is no getting away from the fact that environmental issues affect us all every day and we are all responsible for trying to not only minimise but to reduce our impact on the environment. At Thetford Home Improvement Services, we are very passionate as a business about our responsibility to the environment, and we take steps wherever we can to try and do some good for the environment. Below we have listed a few of the things we do to try and be more environmentally responsible. 


What happens to the windows we replace?


Wood –

As a business that is proud to be local we are very passionate about serving our local community wherever possible that is why until very recently all of our wood and timber waste including old wooden window frames was stripped down and delivered by our installers to the local scouts group for use as firewood, unfortunately the scouts are no longer able to take the wood and it is separated and recycled along with the rest of our waste. If you have any ideas about how we can make better use of this excess timber  and continue helping the community please feel free to let us know, we’re always open to suggestions.

Metal –

The metal windows we remove as well as any metal parts on other types of windows or products are scrapped at a reputable local recycling company. Where possible however we try to selvedge parts from older style windows, cataloguing them ready in case a customer contacts us, in a pickle because they can’t find a hard to come by part or component.

uPVC –

All of the uPVC from the windows we replace is collected from our headquarters in Thetford Norfolk by a dedicated recycling company who churn them up into little tiny plastic pellets which are then used for injection moulding and end up in a wide range of products such as car or van wing mirrors, so who knows your old windows may end up as part of your new car.


What about our new windows?


We fit the Eco Energy Plus window from Liniar as standard, these windows have lots of amazing benefits for both us as installers but more importantly for our customers. The unique 6 chamber system is designed to trap air and reduce the amount of heat energy lost from your home through your windows, paired with ‘A’ rated double glazed sealed units as standard, designed to keep the heat in and the cold out of your home. This in tun not only saves you money on your energy bills but it also reduces the amount of energy you consume, reducing your carbon footprint.


And our other products?


When choosing which manufacturers to work with and which products to offer our customers we consider a long list of factors, towards the very top of that list is the environmental benefits of that product both directly and indirectly. For example, our range of timber core composite doors are made from a high-quality timber all from a sustainable source. Our range of hardwearing, maintenance free Eco fencing is made from 95% recycled material.


While we all try to do our best by the environment, there is always more that can be done and we’re always striving to find new ideas, processes and products to help make us a greener company. If you have any ideas of actions we can take to become even more environmentally friendly please feel free to let us know!